A microprocessor development system is introduced, which consists of a cross assembler, a simulator and other software. 本文介绍了由交叉汇编程序和模拟运行程序等软件构成的微机开发系统。
Based on cross correlation coefficient and absolute difference algorithms and the principle of Hartmann Shack wavefront sensor, the feasibility of correlating Hartmann Shack wavefront sensor used for low contrast and extended object is studied according to the indoors solar granulation simulator. 基于互相关因子和绝对差分算法以及哈特曼夏克波前传感器的基本原理,根据室内模拟太阳米粒结构研究了低对比度扩展目标情况下应用相关哈特曼夏克波前传感器探测波前误差的可行性。
The generality in the cross assembler and the data structure in the simulator are described. A product example for solving these problems is mentioned. 阐述了交叉汇编程序中的通用性问题和模拟运行程序中的数据结构问题,给出了一个解决这些问题的产品实例。